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Math tutor in Tehran
Mirabi Educational Center
09102878521- 02122326285
Teaching Mathematics in English
Math tutor in Tehran
تدریس خصوصی فیزیک و شیمی ریاضی به زبان انگلیسی
math physics Teacher in Tehran
تدریس خصوصی ریاضی به زبان انگلیسی
Mathematics Olympiad teacher in Tehran
Prime Numbers- Composite numbers- Arithmetic
Algebra- Geometry teacher in Tehran
Coordinate Geometry- Spacial Geometry- solid Geometry
Surface area and volume of solid figures
two dimensional geometry- Congruence of triangles
Similarity of Triangles- Similarity of figures
Algebraic Identities- Commutative Law
Rules in Sets, Probability- Independent Events
Math tutor in Tehran -Sample space- certain events